Tag Archives: Technology corporations

Dude, you broke the Future!

A superb keynote from Charles Stross, opening this year’s ‘Chaos Communication Congress’.


Yet more hidden dangers in emerging technology in the hands of technocapitalism!

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We could be well-advised to take note of this word.  We may be hearing a lot more of it …

Actually, in truth, we’ve already used it a few times before in this blog but perhaps now might be a good time to have a closer look at what it is and what it might mean?


It’s always dodgy making claims like this but the term technocapitalism was probably effectively coined by Professor Luis Suarez-Villa in Technocapitalism: A Critical Perspective on Technological Innovation and Corporatism (2009) and developed further in Globalization and Technocapitalism: The Political Economy of Corporate Power and Technological Domination (2012).  [Yes, it may have been used before this, but it gets very hard to track these things down accurately.]

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