Tag Archives: Social impact of technology

And So It Begins?

OK, this blog has made some pretty wild predictions over the years; from loss of privacy & security, through societal decay from social media & 24/7 connectivity, mass unemployment by AI & automation, to industrial environmental catastrophe and a technocapitalist Armageddon.  Now there’s clear evidence of the first of these forecasts coming true, any chance of taking any of the others seriously?  Maybe before it’s too late might be a good idea?

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Dude, you broke the Future!

A superb keynote from Charles Stross, opening this year’s ‘Chaos Communication Congress’.


Yet more hidden dangers in emerging technology in the hands of technocapitalism!

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Technology Isn’t the Enemy: Reprise

Often, ‘simple says it best’!

Technology could help us all … but it won’t.